International Catholic Worker Gathering

Creating a New Society in the Shell of the Old

October 7-9, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada

We welcomed people from Catholic Worker houses across the country as well as our local volunteers and supporters. It had been five years since the last gathering in Las Vegas when over 300 people came.  We had wide variety of presentations and discussions, community-building, and non-violent actions at the Nevada Test Site and Creech Air Force Base.

Round Table Discussions
Round Table Discussions #1:
A: Resisting U.S. Nukes and “Modernization” in Germany (Marion Keupker)
B: Pope Francis: A View of Change Coming from the Periphery (Claire Schaeffer-Duffy)
C: The Work that Reconnects, What is Ours to Do?: Finding Our Soul Work in the Great Turning– a Franciscan perspective, please commit to second session, Round Table #2 (Anne and Terry Symens-Bucher)
D: Zine Making, Independent Publishing for the People (Laura-Marie Taylor)
E: Drone Warfare: The Human Blowback (Brian Terrell)
F: A Walking Tour of the Historic Westside Neighborhood (Gary Cavalier)
G: Dorothy Day and St. Therese de Liseux (Mark Kelso)

Round Table Discussions #2:
A: The Need for Catholic Workers to be Radicals Rather than Liberals (Scott Schaeffer-Duffy)
B: Border Issues and the Catholic Worker (John Heid)
D: War Resistance and the Catholic Worker: Past, Present & Future (Rosalie Riegle)
E: 911: An Inside Job (Kathy Boylan)
F: Permaculture and the Catholic Worker Life (Robert Majors and Ming Lai)
G: Catholic Worker Archives, Preserving the Legacy (Phil Runkel)

Round Table Discussions #3:
A: On Welcoming the Stranger, Root Causes of Immigration from Honduras and Guatemala (Tom Webb)
B: Catholic Worker Farm Forum
C: History of the Catholic Worker with Racial Justice (Lincoln Rice)
D: The Universe Story: Our New Context for the Human Family’s Present and Future (Tom Spiritbringer)
E: Reflections on Trip to Palestine (Jim Haber)
F: Abolishing the land-based ICBM system and Nuclear Heartland (John LaForge)
G: Love in Action, Practicing Nonviolence in Community (Julia Occhiogrosso)


Round Table Discussions #4:
A: Radical Hospitality: St. Benedict’s way of love and the Catholic Worker (Liza Apper)
B: Hidden History of LGBT in the Catholic Worker Movement (Michael Harank)
C: The Work that Reconnects, What is Ours to Do?: Finding Our Soul Work in the Great Turning– a Franciscan perspective, please commit to second session, Round Table #5 (Anne and Terry Symens-Bucher)
D: Just Listening (Sharon Browning) please commit to second session, Round Table #5
E: Scenario Planning for Possible Creech AFB Action (Brian Terrell)
F: Golden Garbage, Soup Scraps into Soil and Olive Picking and Curing (Julia Occhiogrosso)
G: A Walking Tour of the Historic Westside Neighborhood (Gary Cavalier)

Round Table Discussions #5:
A: 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.: The Filthy Rotten Legal System (Kate Chatfield) / 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.: Essays on Prison Witness as an Act of Mercy (Toni Flynn and Dennis Apel)
B: The Next Generation, Creating a Catholic Worker Future (Fumi Tosu)
E: “War on Trial,” A Documentary
(David Bradbeury & Treena Lenthall)
F: The Catholic Worker Movement Today and The Catholic Church (Martha Hennessy)
G: Peter Maurin and the Vision of the Catholic Worker (Daniel Marshall)

Round Table Locations
A: North Side of Tent
B: South Side of Tent
C: Prayer Room, Upstairs, New Day House
D: Living Room, Downstairs, New Day House
E: Living Room, Downstairs, St. John the Baptist House
F: Outdoor Carport behind New Day House
G: Front Yard patio by huge pine tree and memorial area


500 West Van Buren Avenue -  Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 - Map
(702) 647-0728 - mail @